A Brief Story About The Company
Arrow Automotive is a electrical vehicle manufacturing company which has a significant presence in the automotive industry. It offers two and three wheeler vehicles with manufacturing plants in cities like West Bengal and Assam and warehouses in Guwahati, Patna and Kolkata. Having a production capacity of around 1000 vehicles in a month, Arrow Automotive aims at providing high quality and reliable electric vehicles in the market. The organization has a prominent experience of several years in delivering consistent performance in the automotive industry.


To adopt new technological tools and advance ERP
system for improving the overall productivity in the
automotive industry.

The Mission
  • Collaborating advanced functions for facilitating
    the business process focusing on the quality of
    service provided to the customers.
  • Resolving the issues which has a negative influence on the efficiency of the business to achieve better results in the industry.
  • Improving the sales planning and services which are are not functioning properly due to inappropriate systems.

Implementation Timeline

Production Flow Chart

Key Factors


Management of different business process at one hand was difficult for Arrow Automotive and it required a software which can outsource their entire business process without material.

Tracking bills

Recording the payouts, inventory records, flows was difficult to conduct. An effective cloud based ERP solution was needed by Arrow Automotive for creating serial numbers during IN and OUT of stock and generating warranty and service cards automatically.

Production Process

It was crucial for the business to enhance their production planning which plays a significant role in facilitating the overall production process. Implementation of In-Process Quality Check (IPQC) was necessary for Arrow Automotive to enhance their overall production process.

HR management

Manual procedure was being used by Arrow Automotive previously which created difficulties for the business to manage their workforce appropriately. The organization wanted a software which can integrate different functions like attendance, shifts, performance etc. of the HRM in order to gain better advantage.


Arrow Automotive faced various issues while expanding their services due to the less effective management software used by the business. The manual
processes of the software adopted slowed down the overall business process which was necessary for the organization to grow.


Effective ERP solutions were needed by Arrow Automotive for increasing their overall productivity. It became necessary to reduce the risk of certain factors which have a negative impact on the business. Better data insights, consolidations, financial statements and business processes are significant for improving the stability of the company.

Module Implemented

Module implementation in arrow automotives in accu360 erp

Improved Efficiency

Increased productivity

Adaptive features of Accu360 helped in enhancing the
inventory mechanism and helped in creating better
practices for the business to grow in the automotive
industry. Integration of different aspects in the ERP
software has provided various process management
services to Arrow Automotive which is beneficial in
increasing the efficiency of the business.

Upscaled Business

Accu360 ERP has provided Arrow Automotive with better
growth and development opportunities by facilitating
their overall business processes. The organization has
been able to centralize their data entry process from
different branches and work upon product life cycle
management which is a salient feature of this software.


  • 01

    Automatic process to manage different functions

    Effectiveness of the Accu360 ERP to automate the CRM, sales planning, warranty card processes has improved the quality of output produced by the business.
  • 02

    Enhanced management of manpower

    Appropriate HR management system is provided by the Accu360 ERP software which facilitates the payroll and recruitment processes of the business.
  • 03

    Product life cycle management

    The Accu360 ERP provides an effective cloud version which helps in reducing the maintenance cost, extra time and efforts of the business for a successful completion of each stage of product life cycle management.
  • 04

    Reliable data, Better planning

    Data analytics and advanced technological tools in Accu360ERP has increased t convenience for preparing better reports and make effective use of real time data.